Wednesday, March 20, 2013


There was this news story that was real big two years ago. Everyone knows about it. It was the Casey Anthony trial. And of course what makes it such a sensational story is the fact that so many people think she is guilty, yet was found innocent by the jury. People were outraged, and still seem to be. In the weeks and months of her trial and beyond, it seemed like some aspect of the trial or Casey’s life were all over the media. Even now, over two years later some article pops up about her—bringing us back.
We all have things in our lives that bring us back—relationships, losses, regrets.  Those times we think, “oh if I had just done that, said that differently.” Maybe what haunts us is that the person we were isn’t the person we are now, so it’s as if we have to prove to all those people in the past--I’m different. Maybe life was better back then, you had friends, never had to deal with the sting of loss, and didn’t have to deal with the despair in life. You saw so much potential in yourself.
There are so many things that just seem to drag us back. I think when we are so focused on what’s happened whether it was good or bad, either way we are left with despair. Either we wish our life were as good as it was, or we dwell on those painful memories and experiences.  Either way we learn to become a constant victim of our past—to live in despair.
I think there is a difference between celebrating and grieving our past lives, and dwelling on our past lives. Celebrating and grieving are essential, but celebrating ends, and we find ways to cope with grief so it does not define who we are—both are transient.  If you are a musician, and music is what truly inspires your inner being, you do not make one album, and celebrate its success, you create more.
When the focus of our life is so stuck in the past, we cannot embrace novelty of today. The narratives of our lives shouldn’t be how we keep trying get back, but how we move forward—how the good and bad of life inspires and changes us to be something new today and for our future.
I work overnight shifts right now so I get the opportunity to see the sunrise much more often now. I always find myself completely awe-struck by the timeless symbolism of the sunrise. Today is new and beautiful, whatever has happened the previous day or night has happened and it is finished. But today is new and beautiful, and filled with potential. So may you find courage to live fully present for today, to celebrate, grieve, and accept what has happened, and may you be new today. 

What has you stuck in the past and keeps you from moving forward or from living and experiencing today in its fulless?